If Jesus Taught At Harvard Business School Podcast

Seek and Ye Shall Find - Identifying Business Opportunities (1)

Ade Ojomo Season 1 Episode 9

In today’s session we have Ade Ojomo - a management consultant in the consulting, advisory and training space, exploring the frameworks required to identify business opportunities:

A call to maximise opportunities is seen in the Book of Ephesians Chapter 5 v 15 - 16 where we are advised to be careful on how we live; not as the unwise making the most of every opportunity as the days are evil.

Some further statements around the importance and value of maximising opportunities are as follows:

  1. There are opportunities everywhere - you just have to find them and execute
  2. Success always comes when Preparation Meets Opportunity
  3. AR Bernard in a quote highlighted that 'application is the evidence of learning'

Application is key as opportunities do not come in a structured format - hence the importance of creating structured frameworks to manage these opportunities from identification to implementation.